Tuesday, May 11, 2010

RSS: Really Simple (to get overwhelmed) Syndication

I managed to set up my RSS feed successfully despite having a few problems, which I muddled through. 


I have this distinct feeling that I'm following too many things in too many places:
  • on Facebook I'm a fan of certain pages and get updates posted on my newsfeed
  • on Blogger I'm following other people's blogs and get updates on my Dashboard when there's a new post
  • I have a list of Favourites on my computer at home which are websites that I check frequently
  • and now on Bloglines I'm accumulating a list of websites and blogs that I think I might possibly want to follow regularly...perhaps.  
And there could be more! I could also have a Delicious account with a list of my favourite websites, and a Twitter account with updated tweets.

To add to the mayhem, most things you can follow by more than one method. For example, I've subscribed to CBC's RSS feed, but I could also be a fan on Facebook, and get Twitter updates.

Too much! Too much information to be gathered. Too much gathering of information. It's just TOO MUCH! Convenient - yeah, if you're stuck for ways to waste time!  

By the time I check my Yahoo email, my Outlook email, my CPL email, log into Facebook and see what all my friends are up to, check Blogger and Bloglines and catch up on all my favourite technology, restaurant and book reviews, I will have precious little time left to......write about ME!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's funny, it says a lot about how we're swamped these days and nights with just too too much information or ways to get information. i had a good laugh and a couple deep thoughts about how much I'm straddling this information highway's double line as well.
