Monday, March 22, 2010

Dust Bunnies vs. Blogging

I should be vacuuming up the cat hair dust bunnies that levitate momentarily everytime I swish past.
I should be folding the laundry that's been entombed for days in the dryer.
I should be shovelling a winter's worth of gravel from the floor of my car.

But I'm not...

Instead, I've thrust aside all these pressing domestic crises in order to offer you a rare chance I know you've all been anxiously awaiting ... the opportunity to follow at close range as I attempt to navigate the techno-jungle. The chance to guffaw at my mistakes. To cheer wildly at my successes. To shake your head in bemused bewilderment at my ineptitude.

Adventure One - add a scenic photo to the background of my blog header
Problem - photo ends up being gargantuan, humungous
Solution - resize it before uploading (according to the help page)
Status - incomplete, awaiting arrival of personal IT troubleshooter (a.k.a. my husband)
Consolation - successfully changed the colour, font, and size of the type in my header! Small victories...

The obvious impetus for this exercise is to be better equipped to help customers at work, of course. To embrace a progressive image and to put the proverbial hair-in-a-bun, shushing, glasses-on-a-chain (sorry Josie!), cardigan-wearing librarian to rest. But what else might I discover on this journey?
  • I'm curious how addictive all these new technologies will be for me - will I find a personal application for any/all of them?
  • will these new ways of connecting with people actually make me feel more connected?
  • will I be more informed, or just more confused by the amount of information I have access to?

Alas, you'll all have to wait to find out. Another crisis has encroached upon my adventure: supper must be made, wine must be drunk, husband must be hugged.